We've added some new formatting options to our rich content editor, so you can make your content stand out even more than before.

The new formatting options include:
- Headings (Heading 1, Heading 2)
- Lists (both bulleted and numbered)
- Quotes
- Code blocks
- Inline text formatting: Inline code, underline, strike-through
- Text color
Find the new options in the toolbar. Hover over each icon to see its keyboard shortcut. Some formatting is automatically applied, such as when you start a line with -
(a dash and a space), you get a bulleted list, or 1.
to get a numbered list.
We also have a nyfty new color picker, which you'll also find in the theme designer now:

The color picker remembers all colors you've previously used. You can enter your own color codes, or you can get a quickstart using the color palette from Material Design.